Leaders – Who Inspires You?
The primary role of a leader is to inspire those that choose to follow them. But who inspires the leaders? Many of us can cite people who inspired us when we were young – but who living today, inspires the leaders of today? The recent Nelsonspirit findings amoungst the leaders of today have proved very interesting:
Who inpsires us?
- Personal: Friends and family 33%
- Personal: Our Peers / colleagues 30%
- Public: Famous people who are not in leadership office 29%
- Public: People who hold a leadership office 8%
Key findings: Most leaders get most inspired by people they know personally.
The people who are meant to be leading us (office holders) are not very inspiring! A couple of exceptions – are HMQ and David Attenborough – but then they possess the golden leadership qualities of trust, integrity and telling the truth!